Saturday, January 7, 2012

The time where I run 1.7 miles and live to tell the tale

I ran today. With a specific destination in mind. Central Park. The lower park loop approximately 1.7 miles. So not great? BUT it's a start. It makes me feel a tad more in shape than I thought I was! My exercise over the past few months has been mainly elliptical and a few weights here and there but for 2012 I am looking to start running and up my mileage with an eventual goal of a half marathon...which right now sounds hella far. BUT with 1.7 miles down today and not feeling like I was gonna collapse I think I can do it! It may take quite a few months but I'm positive that I can get there. This is not my problem with weightloss. As much as I don't really like going to the gym, I do go. Previous to 2012. I went 2-3 times a week taking a dance class and lifting weights etc. I am hoping to up that to about 5-6 times a week and include regular lifting to my regimen. I am looking for a possible weight lifting program as right now...I feel a little lost. As in I do 2 arm lifting exercises stop look around and get the hell out of there before someone comes over to ask me what I'm doing there. Goal to keep on with the arm weights and add more in to gain the sculpting that I so desire. Here's hoping!!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

First Post and a hope for a new start

Here I am. A new year and a new promise that I make every year. Except this time I decided to make myself accountable! I have made this resolution time and time again and this time I think and hope that this is for real.  My beginning stats:
Weight: 217.6 (Ouch! First time I have told anyone but myself (well...and my doctor...)
Bust: 42.5"
Chest: 37.5"
Waist: 38.75"
Hips: 44.25
Right Thigh: 29"
Left Thigh: 28.75
Right Calf: 18"
Left Calf: 18.25"
Right Upper Arm: 15"
Left Upper Arm: 15.25"
Right Forearm: 10.75"
Left Forearm: 10.75"

My goal weight is 145. If I can. So that makes it about.....72 lbs. to lose. yuck. But as they say each pound is one pound closer to my goal!! So a toast! To a new Year and to finally becoming the person I want to be.